Thursday 14 May 2009


Here is Peter's submission for the Interior project. Obviously Myself and Jeff are bottom of the class for not submitting anything this month with Ben, Peter and Gaz producing top notch work as usual.
It is now getting quite close to the show in June (June 22nd for your diaries) and we need to start sorting out what we are going to exhibit. The field trip sounds great if we can sort out a date and location and would be a great source of images for the show if everyone is still keen. Otherwise we need to decide whether we submit project images/ own image or a mixture of both. 

There is also the open show to think about the following week- maybe this should be kept for our personal work?? 
We also need to go on a bit of a recruitment drive as we could do with a few new faces.

Anyway as usual send me over anything that needs to be posted and add some comments regarding the show/ideas etc...

Oh and before I forget for those that were not able to attend this week the project is 'Silence'

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Kev and Gaz's interpretation of Caravaggio's 'Judith beheading holofernes'

Kate's interpretation of Gerhard Richter's 'Skull'

Jon's interpretation of Frida Kahlo's 'What the water gave me'

Jeff's interpretation of Francis Bacon's 'Study after Velazquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X'

Meeting No.3

Last night's meeting was yet again another success. We were down on numbers this month and we are assuming this is due to the Easter break and that people are off on their travels -Though we know that the some of our younger members are busily trying to prepare their portfolios for university - well that was their excuse anyway!!!We have got some new members as well which was great -Richard and Peter came along for the first time last night and it was great to see some new faces and hear some new opinions on the work. 
Lets hope for the next meeting our numbers will increase again as we have managed to arrange two dates to put up a show of the work we have been doing in the gallery. The first date is June 22nd  with the second date the next week. It doesn't give us a massive amount of time to get it prepared but I think with the standard of work that has been produced so far it shouldn't be too much of a problem. 

Last night we looked at the images that had been shot for the previous project- a photographic interpretation of a painting. Everyone who attempted this project did so in a variety of ways with a large percentage leaving it until yesterday morning to shoot to Gaz and Kev's epic Carravagio image that has pretty much taken over their lives for the past month.

Anyway the following posts are some of the images from the last project - If anyone wants to email through any other images shown last night or images they didn't get done in time for the meeting then send them to and I will also post them on here.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Jon's Self Portrait

Kate's Self Portrait

Kev's Self Portrait

Gaz's Self portrait

Here is Gaz's Self Portrait from the last project. If anyone else would like to upload an image - (maybe something they did or didn't show on Tuesday) to this blog  just email me at 

Thursday 19 March 2009

New Project

Thanks to everyone who attended this week. There were a few people who couldn't make it including Gordon Rogers and Nick Henley-Smith who sent their apologies. It was great to see so many people taking part in the project set and those that hadn't managed to get anything shot certainly went home with plenty of new ideas on how to approach it. 
For those that were unable to attend this week the new project is this:
'A photographic interpretation of a painting'  
So as before if you want to have a go then great if not just come along for the discussion and if anyone has any projects they are currently working on that they would like to talk about then let us know!

Finally the other side project that was set was to set up your own blog that can be linked to this one. That way we can all upload images and discuss them using this central blog for posting updates.  If you are not sure how to set up a blog you can contact either myself or Jeff for help.
For now try this:
Go to and just follow the 3 easy steps link to creating a new account. All you will need is an existing email address and a name that you would like to title your blog. For example I have called mine kate@fishbonephotoarts. Choose a template and you are done. 
Posting is really simple too just add a title, some text and click the third icon from the right to add images. Photographs can be uploaded directly from your computer or linked from other sites such as Flickr or photobucket by just pasting in the URL.
Finally remember while you are still logged into your new account to come over to this blog and become a follower (link on the right side of the page) then we will know where to find you.
Good luck ;)

If anyone wants to submit an image to put on here for now just email me at

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Section 76

Just thought I would share this with you as it was a topic on conversation last night. There is still no law preventing people taking photographs in public however as of this Monday the new counter terrorism act has become law and section 76 now prevents the taking of images of any member of the armed forces, the intelligence service or police officers. Though this should have no direct effect on us photographers, so say the Home Office, there is a lot of concern that this is going to give the police yet another reason to confront photographers and stop them from shooting in public spaces. 
Check out the full story here: 

A Start

Welcome to the Fishbone Photo Arts group blog. It's a little rough round the edges but I think it should offer the group a great way to communicate with each other during the month. Thanks to everyone who attended last night- It far exceeded my expectations and I think a lot of people left believing it was a really positive experience. I hope you all decide to come again next time - Tuesday March 17th is the date of the next group. Please feel free to spread the word -though you may have to bring your own seating!!! 

I know a few people had to leave a little earlier than most and a few people left before it was decided on the group project for the month. It was very diplomatically decided by Ben what project to embark on (drawn out of a hat).  So this month's project is 'Self portrait' 
Don't feel you have to take part in this one- if you are busy doing your own thing then great but if not have a go and bring along something to show next time.

If anyone has any links they want to add to this site just let me know (
